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Stang-up Meeting

Pitching Success

You want to pitch your business idea to investors, but don’t know how to do it successfully? This coaching process is for you if you want to feel, sound and look confident pitching your idea in order to get financial support. This process is laser focused on this one event, but will make you feel more confident for all future public speaking engagements as well.


We will focus on how to:

  • structure an outstanding pitch to get your listeners hooked (specifically for online-conference)

  • become ultra convincing

  • show your most competent self

  • create a pitch that makes you radiate your most authentic and magnetic energy

  • tailor your message so your listeners understand you clearly

  • make you feel in control of your voice

  • handle potential nervousness like a pro

  • show your audience what an AMAZING BUSINESS they could invest in

How it works:

  • 3 hours of individual coaching via Zoom over the course of 1-2 weeks

  • sessions can be divided into units of 1h or 30 minutes, so you can practice in between

  • e-mail support in between our sessions

The coaching is meant to support you and guide you in your practicing and preparation process, give you feedback on what works and what doesn’t and make sure you feel really confident so your pitch becomes a success!


Price: 565€ (excl VAT)

Business Presentation
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My name is Sonja Nannan and I'm a voice coach and public speaking trainer with over 15 years of experience. It brings me immense joy to be able to guide my clients to overcome nervousness and feel confident speaking in front of audiences, that felt daunting to them before.


I know how frustrating it can be to have amazing expertise and experience and still feel completely freaked out when we want to share our ideas with others. I believe that our voice is an expression of who we are and feeling free to share it without constraints is a gift we can give to ourselves and others. It's how we can create life-changing connections and opportunities for ourselves and others. 

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  • Bildschirmfoto 2022-12-04 um 09.33.12

©2025 by Sonja Nannan, Av. Arnaud Fraiteur 15/23, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium

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